The common goal as a lash artist is to make the jump from a good lash artist to an extraordinary one. Believe it or not, the most common thing to stand in the way is our glue choice. Truth is, we can create a stunning lash set that ticks all the boxes but if our lash sets don’t last, our clientele will not be as satisfied and eager to return for lash services. There is so much to know about each individual lash glue but once the right one has been discovered and used strategically, it has the ability to elevate your business and make your lashing experience a stress free, enjoyable one. That’s where this blog comes in handy, it’s our mission to offer enough digestible information on adhesives that you will be able to confidently choose the right glue for you and every single service you offer within your business.
01. Humidity and temperature
Understanding our lash environment and using a glue that works well in our specific humidity and temperature range is super important. All eyelash adhesives cure with the introduction of moisture (aka. humidity), making it of utmost importance to keep humidity consistent where we work. The tricky part of this is that our humidity and temperature will likely change with the seasons. Luckily, with the use of dehumidifiers or humidifiers, we can keep our lash room at a consistent temperature and humidity. But what if we don’t keep an eye on our levels?
If the humidity is higher than the recommended glue range, the cyanoacrylate (bonding component in our glues) will cure the glue faster than specified by the manufacturer. Which in theory sounds awesome because you can change your humidity and speed up services, right? Unfortunately this isn’t the case. Instead, if too much moisture is present, the glue will cure so fast that it may cure before being placed and even if it does adhere, the bond will be much weaker than it could be.
On the flip side, if the humidity is too low, the cyanoacrylate will not have enough water vapor to cure properly. In this case, it will take longer than recommended to attach the extension. In this scenario, the extension may also slide from where we have placed it once we let go of our isolation, causing stickies or prompting the extension to fall off. Both scenarios = Poor Lash Retention.
Check out this video for more information on rH and lashing environments: 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 and 𝐎𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥 rH
02. Lash Speed
Lash glues all have a unique cure time (the amount of time you have to hold the extension into place once it makes contact). Some will cure as fast as .5 seconds and others as slow as 5 seconds. Say one day you’re flying through services, for this day you would likely benefit from a fast curing glue whereas on days when you are working at a slower pace or perhaps learning a new technique, a slower cure time may work best.
Whether you are a seasoned lash artist or brand spankin’ new, having multiple glues on hand will benefit you regularly. Truth is, we all have slow appointments sometimes but by being prepared, we can easily navigate through them in a stress free manner.
For the new artist we never recommend a glue that cures quicker than 2 seconds, even for our speedy services as there are so many new things to focus on and perfect. A little wiggle room does wonders in easing the pressure and allows time to perfect the craft in a relaxed manner.
For an advanced artist who knows lashing so well that they don’t even have to think about it anymore, a .5 or 1 second cure glue will work wonders and keep efficiency high during our speedy services. However, even for this artist, it is recommended to have a 2+ second cure time on hand as a backup for when challenging sets arise or when we are learning new advanced techniques.
03. Direction
Healthy, strong natural lashes that grow perfectly uniform from the follicle all the way to the tips make isolation and placement a breeze when applying eyelash extensions. Unfortunately the majority of our clients' natural lashes seem to have a mind of their own. Some sway in different directions, some have unruly lashes that criss cross over one another. Whatever the case may be, troublesome lashes present directional challenges for the lash artist. The extra focus and attention on direction will slow us down quite significantly during application. Although it may slow us down, direction is needed in order to create a set of lashes that appears to flow in an intentional, symmetrical pattern. Working with direction can be tricky, but by selecting a glue with a slower cure time, there will be enough time to redirect the extensions once they have been placed. Perhaps you are some who likes using a 1 second cure time glue, you may benefit from choosing one that has a 2-3 second cure time as a secondary glue. The extra wiggle room in timing is a life saver. For more information on direction, check out our Lash Direction video on YouTube.
Bonus: Using a slower cure time is also beneficial when a lash is applied too far away from the lash line as it offers enough time to slide the extension down the follicle to approximately .5-1mm away from the lash line.
04. Sensitivities
It is likely that at some point within our careers we will deal with a client who becomes sensitive to the lash extensions we apply. Usually when someone is sensitive, the adhesive is to blame. Particularly the cyanoacrylate component found within the glue. This component cannot be removed from the adhesive as it is the bonding agent. However, by decreasing the amount of cyanoacrylate in the glue, we lessen the chances of irritation and sensitivities during our services. This makes it important to have an adhesive on hand that has lower traces of cyanoacrylate. Lost Artistry Sensit-Eyes glue contains 10% less cyanoacrylate than the standard adhesive which makes it a wonderful choice. It also has great retention so may be a great secondary glue for those who would like a 2-3 second cure time glue for services in general.
05.Working with Colour

Perhaps you’re the type of artist who loves using their creative side when lashing. You know, channelling your inner Picasso with splashes of colours everywhere to create nothing shy of a masterpiece. If this is you, you must get yourself a clear adhesive to really make the coloured lash sets stand out. A black adhesive is great but will lessen the vibrancy at the base of the extensions if colour is the goal. Lost Artistry Invisa-Bond glue is the perfect option for creating coloured lash sets because of its clear finish but has an added bonus of being a great selection for sensitive lash clients as well. On top of that, it doesn’t contain black carbon which makes it a top pick for those who would prefer an adhesive without the black carbon component.
06.Having a back up
No matter if you are full or part time lashing, it is a great idea to have a back up eyelash glue on hand in case of emergency. Whether your nozzle gets clogged, your order shipment is running late, your glue has lost its magnetic touch, is running out unexpectedly or gets goopy because it was accidentally left on the counter overnight. Whatever the reason, it is always best to have a backup ready to bail you out of a ‘sticky’ situation.
I’m not saying you should have back ups of all of your adhesives on hand but as mentioned many times above, two is better than one for many reasons so having a secondary of some sort will undoubtedly benefit you in many ways!
Lost Artistry
Hey Tracy! Yes our Cyano-Free glue can be used in the same way as our other lash glues. It offers up to 8 week retention with a very strong hold (sets in 2-3 seconds) and works in a wide range of humidity (rH) between 30-70%. It has become our most popular lash glue for artists of all experience levels 😊
Hey Tracy! Yes our Cyano-Free glue can be used in the same way as our other lash glues. It offers up to 8 week retention with a very strong hold (sets in 2-3 seconds) and works in a wide range of humidity (rH) between 30-70%. It has become our most popular lash glue for artists of all experience levels 😊
I have a client that has developed an allergy to Cyanoacrylate. I am looking at purchasing your Cyanoacrylate free glue.
Do I use this glue like any other?
I have a client that has developed an allergy to Cyanoacrylate. I am looking at purchasing your Cyanoacrylate free glue.
Do I use this glue like any other?