13 products
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Cyano·Free Lash Glue cyano free eyelash extension adhesive - lash glue by Lost Artistry Lash
Cyano·Free Lash Glue
Sale priceFrom $58.00 CAD
Bondage Lash Glue Lost Artistry Lash Glue Bondage: Best Eyelash Extension Glue
Bondage Lash Glue
Sale price$56.00 CAD
Bondage PRO 2.0 Lash Glue Bondage PRO 2.0 Lash Glue
Bondage PRO 2.0 Lash Glue
Sale price$59.00 CAD
Quickie Lash Glue Quickie Eyelash Extension Adhesive
Quickie Lash Glue
Sale price$58.00 CAD
Sensit·eyes Lash Glue Lost Artistry Lash Glue: Sensit-Eyes Eyelash Extension Adhesive
Sensit·eyes Lash Glue
Sale price$47.00 CAD
Invisa•bond Clear Lash Glue invisa-bond eyelash extension adhesive glue
Invisa•bond Clear Lash Glue
Sale price$47.00 CAD
Superbonder Eyelash Extension Liquid
Sale price$33.00 CAD
eyelash extension cream remover cream remover jar open with lint free applicator
Cream Lash Remover
Sale price$24.99 CAD
Glue·Gone Tweezer Cleaner Glue·Gone Tweezer Cleaner
Glue·Gone Tweezer Cleaner
Sale price$13.99 CAD
bondaid eyelash extension primer bondaid being applied to a client's natural lashes with microswabs
Sale price$24.99 CAD
freshi eyelash extension product freshi eyelash extension product jar
Freshi Glue Fume Defense
Sale price$40.00 CAD
foreplay eyelash extension product foreplay on a lash strip
Foreplay Lash Product
Sale price$25.00 CAD
lash gains eyelash extension serum a model holding a tube of lost artistry lash gains lash serum