Let’s face it - there’s a huge shift in the demand for safety precautions. We are seeing the unraveling of the new norm when it comes to beauty related appointments. As we open our doors back up to our clients, we need to be absolutely certain we are taking the necessary steps of sanitation to assure everyone is comfortable.

1. Ensure each client is treated to individual sanitation practices
We recommend wiping down surfaces after each appointment with disinfectant. Using disposable covers for beds and disposable brushes are also strongly suggested. Things like alcohol based hand sanitizer should be provided at all times.
2. Wear and provide Personal Protective Gear!
This is also something all lash artists need to be taking seriously. A mask or a plexiglass cover in front of the client will not only comfort your client, but give you some peace of mind as well. We also recommend having disposable masks for your clients on hand as sometimes these are accidentally left at home or misplaced.
NOTE: If you are not comfortable with clients entering your lashing space mask-free - this should not be negotiable for the client. Your health and safety is just as important as theirs, and your request for PPG needs to be fulfilled. If a client refuses to wear a mask during the appointment, kindly educate them on your reasoning as to why you've requested this safety precaution and gently inform them that your policy is non-negotiable.
3. Try to offer contactless forms of payment!
Although this precaution may seem small, its impact could save your health. You’ve taken all of the steps above to assure a sanitary and safe appointment for whoever’s in your lash bed, but failed to remember that cash can be really nasty. Money is one of the easiest ways to pass around germs. Offering e-transfer, Venmo or PayPal as a payment option is a super easy way to avoid the pass-around of germs.
Anyone knocking on your door during a pandemic for a full set is a forever client- let's keep them around by going above and beyond to assure safety! Don't forget to enjoy yourself- after all you’re back to doing what you love!
Cool pics
Cool pics
Sarah W
So informative! What a great piece.
So informative! What a great piece.